Dedicated practitioners are key to a good nursery and at Bee Happy, we constantly strive for the best!
         Bernadette - Director              Michaela - Manager                 Annie - Bumble Bee Room        Jade - Honey Bee Room           Nat - Bee Hive Room
                                                                                                                               Manager                                    Manager                                    Manager


It is our aim to provide a warn homely environment where the children feel happy, safe and inspired.

At Bee Happy we have a team of nursery practitioners who are also on hand to provide support and advice to all our parents and carers where needed. The team consists of highly qualified early years practitioners who have a wealth of experience. This includes behaviour management strategies, ensuring the safeguarding of children and supporting children with special educational needs.


All children are encouraged to promote to be as independent as possible and can freely self-serve their own lunches and snacks (with adult supervision).  

All our food is freshly prepared on site by our resident chef. We design our menus to cater for all the children and try to make it as nutritional and varied as possible. We rotate our menus on a three week basis, which ensures the children enjoy a wide range of quality food. Our latest menu is detailed below. 


All children are encouraged to promote to be as independent as possible and can freely self-serve their own lunches and snacks (with adult supervision).  

All our food is prepared freshly on site by our resident chef. We work our menus to cater for all the children's tastes and try to make it as healthy and tasty as possible. We have a three week menu plan which is changed to keep variety up. Our latest menu is detailed below. 
WEEK 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Breakfast Cereal Cereal Cereal Cereal Cereal
7.30 - 9.00 Wholemeal Toast Wholemeal Toast Wholemeal Toast Wholemeal Toast Wholemeal Toast
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Lunch Chicken & Veg Chunky Minestrone Oven Baked Fish Oven Baked Jacket Homemade corned
11.15 - Bumble Curry with Soup with Herby with parsley, peas Potato served with Beef Hash
11.30 - Honey Bee Brown Rice Croutons & pototoes Backed Beans
11.30 - Bee Hive Organic Yogurt Banana Melon Boat Pears Apple Pie & custard
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High Tea Spaggetti Hoops Toasted Crumpets Cream crackers with Homemade herby Wholemeal sandwich selection
3.15 (aprox) on Wholemeal Toast with Cucumber bites cheese and pepper sticks tomato pasta bake served with Cherry toms
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Vegetarian/Vegan/Dairy Free
options are always available
WEEK 2 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Breakfast Cereal Cereal Cereal Cereal Cereal
7.30 - 9.00 Wholemeal Toast Wholemeal Toast Wholemeal Toast Wholemeal Toast Wholemeal Toast
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Lunch Homemade Meat Spanish Chicken served Chickpea Curry Spaghetti Bolognaise Oven baked Jacket
11.15 - Bumble & potato pie served with garlic & herb served with Turmeric served with garlic Potato served with 5
11.30 - Honey Bee with mixed veg potatoes rice bread bean chilli
11.30 - Bee Hive Bananas & Custard Organic Yogurt Pinapple Melon boats Cinnamon Apples
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High Tea Homemade Pizza Wholemeal toast served Cream crackers with Wholemeal sandwich selection Homemade tuna
3.15 (approx) Slices with baked beans cheese served with Cherry toms pasta bake
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Vegetarian/Vegan/Dairy Free
options are available


All our food is prepared freshly on site by our resident chef. We work our menus to cater for all the children's tastes and try to make it as healthy and tasty as possible. We have a three week menu plan which is changed to keep variety up. Our latest menu is detailed below. 

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